Investing means putting money to work to help achieve financial goals, such as funding your retirement or purchasing a home. With the potential to earn higher returns than insured savings products (like Certificates of Deposit or CDs), investing is a useful tool for building wealth over the long term.
The Investors Centre are many ways to invest, depending on the amount of money you have available and your goals and timeframes. The biggest consideration is how much risk you are comfortable taking, which can be determined by assessing your personal situation, including your tolerance for loss and current income.
For example, if you are saving for retirement in 2050, you might be more willing to take on more risk because you won’t need access to your investment in the short term. On the other hand, if you have children heading to college in just a few years, you might be more inclined to choose safer investments that provide steady, secure income.
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Another important factor to consider is how tax-efficient you want your investments to be. Some investments, such as mutual funds and ETFs, offer low-cost, tax-efficient diversification across asset classes, countries and other factors through ‘portfolio management’. Others, such as individual stocks and bonds, can have a variety of tax implications based on your specific situation. Be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement for each investment product before making a decision.