US Power Partners Blog Pacific Blue Energy and the Australian Open

Pacific Blue Energy and the Australian Open

pacific blue energy

The idea of pacific blue energy the ocean’s power for energy is intriguing. But new technology often comes cloaked in questions: Will the devices impact marine life, shipping or other ocean users? How can they be built without a major disruption to the marine environment and coastal communities? And how will they be integrated into the larger energy system, with ferries and transmission lines?

Powering Sustainability: Exploring the Mission and Vision of Pacific Blue Energy”

Nevertheless, the potential is great. A study last year by the World Bank estimates that 40% of global electricity demand could be met with tidal, wave and ocean thermal technologies. That’s an optimistic figure, but it underscores the fact that blue energy is more than a fanciful concept.

Pacific Blue, an Australian renewable energy generator and retailer, has partnered with Tennis Australia to source 100% green electricity for this month’s Australian Open in Melbourne. The company will supply the tournament with large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) linked to its Portland wind farms.

The move demonstrates a commitment by the company to a wider range of renewables, beyond its early focus on hydro electricity generated on irrigation dams. It also highlights a shift toward the use of renewables as a tool for carbon mitigation, with a goal of helping Oregon meet its ambitious target of net zero emissions by 2040. Founded in 1992 and soon floated on the Australian stock exchange, Pacific Blue has since expanded its operations to include hydro, wind and solar projects in Australia and Brazil.

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